Day: April 9, 2014

Farewell…for Now

First, apologies to those who were looking forward to Roland’s story today. We were intending to get it posted as usual, but this week has gotten a bit away from us. This is mainly due to saying farewell to our friend and fellow team-member, Ryan. Have no fear, Ryan remains our Design Director, he’s simply moving away. Very far away. All the way in the opposite corner of the country. Roan Arts was begun as a project among close friends, so aside from figuring out logistics of his telecommuting and work-load, we’ve also been saying goodbye to a friend.

Anyway, safe travels buddy. We’ll miss you terribly, but we’ll see you soon when the rest of us follow you from one coast to another.

Also, thank goodness and Scandinavia for Skype!

In other news we’ve been working on a couple of other things as well this past week. We’ve been working on the final steps to bring Hunters out on May 1st, and our children’s card game Shinies! later in the summer. Finally, we’ve all been working very hard on playing the new Elder Scrolls Online game as, uh, research. Truly! We’ve even been writing about it, and soon we’ll release a sort of studio-review of the game with our individual impressions of the game.